MSM Group will be attending the the Primrose School of Five Forks’ annual Spring Fling Charity Event!
Event goals: Raise money, Raise Awareness, and get a picture of our owner going down the giant inflatable slide.
Primrose Schools are a Private and Accredited Daycare. They also happen to be a daycare that MSM Group has close ties with. Two out of three of his Maze’s daughters have attended the school and the social media man, Mr. Tim, spent a few years working there during college.
Each year they raise money to support 2 charities: Save the Children and Reach Out & Read. ALL the proceeds raised at the event go directly to charity!
Quick Charity Backgrounds:
Reach Out & Read:
Reach Out and Read is an evidence-based nonprofit organization of medical providers who promote early literacy and school readiness in pediatric exam rooms nationwide by integrating children’s books and advice to parents about the importance of reading aloud into well-child visits.
Save the Children:
Every month, thousands of children die from preventable causes. Millions more are hungry, sick or missing out on school. That’s why Save the Children invests in childhood – every day, in times of crisis and for our future. In the United States and around the world, we give children a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. Each Primrose franchise has a child they adopt and give to throughout the year. Primrose School of Five Forks has a 5 year old boy named Andy. He likes Spongebob everything and Goldfish.
Because of our close ties and the PURE AWESOMENESS of the charities we donated $500 to each one. And an additional $500 in lotto tickets to help encourage people to donate money via their silent auction.